Wednesday, March 15, 2006


A press release from Adobe on March 14 says about a security flaw,that could allow a malicious user to take control of a computer. Flash player is installed in more than 97.7% of internet enabled computers. It was distributed with Windows XP SP1 and SP2 updates, which explains how widely it is available. But to find details about this security problem, you have to go to
Home / Developer Center / Security Topic Center / Security Zone /

First of all ,only content developers visit Developer center. This means that you have to be extra ordinarily security savvy and should keep track of these kind of security issues all the time.Does a normal computer user ever do that?? I dont think so.

Again , if you hear about this problem and go to MM site for an update, you have to hunt it down!
They have updated the downloadable player with the new fixed one,but says nothing about an update or anything.

Taking into consideration the penetration level of Flash player,Adobe should act in a more responsible way.They should put information about things like this in BIG BLOCK LETTERS.